@article{oai:hachinohe-hachitan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001271, author = {吉田, 守実}, issue = {62}, journal = {八戸学院大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {新型コロナウイルス感染症対策が急務である現在、住民の福祉活動を支えてきた社会福祉協議会の課題と今後の地域福祉活動に求められる要素を検討した。地域では、コロナ感染防止のため集合型サロン等の継続への躊躇や介護保険等のサービス利用者以外には心身機能の低下、生活困窮世帯を対象とした子ども食堂等の活動は縮小傾向が窺えた。これらに対し、訪問や電話による個別相談や安否確認、食事の配布、買い物代行、手作りマスクや衛生用品配布による情報提供など、対面で支援できなくなった参加者が生活意欲を喪失しないよう取り組んでいる。社会福祉協議会にはコロナ禍にこそ求められる福祉課題から様々な機関と連携し、既存事業を見直しつつ創意工夫した地域福祉活動が求められている。, As it is now imperative to cope with COVID-19, the author discussed the problems with social welfare councils, which have supported civic welfare activities, and the elements required from now on for regional welfare activities. In local communities, the author observed that citizens were reluctant to participate in get-together events, etc. because they were afraid of being infected with the novel coronavirus, those who do not use services such as nursing-care insurance suffered from the decline of mental and physical functions, and the operation of diners exclusively for children in need became stagnant. In this situation, welfare workers give consulting services or check the safety of care receivers by visiting their houses or by telephone, distribute meals, go shopping for them, provide information while giving handmade face masks and sanitary supplies, so that they will not lose the willingness to lead a life. Social welfare councils are required to join hands with various institutions for solving welfare issues in the coronavirus crisis, reconsider existing projects, and conduct local welfare activities with ingenuity.}, pages = {119--144}, title = {「コロナ禍における地域福祉活動の現状」 ―北東北3県の市町村社会福祉協議会へのアンケート調査からの報告―}, year = {2021} }